Friday, January 13, 2012

Such a stinker, but still o so sweet!

Drake has been a BIG stinker lately. He just thinks he knows best and doesn't want to listen to ANYTHING I have to say. So, it has been a bit of a struggle around here lately. But just when I am about to lose it he reminds me of what a sweet boy he really is. Here is the conversation he had with Sonja this morning:

Oh, and Drake is talking in this high pitched voice that he always uses with Sonja.

D - Oh, you woke up!
S - smiles
D - good morning! How was your sleep?
S - smiles bigger
D - you are getting so big! What do you want to do today missy moo?
S - smiles even bigger
D - Ohhhhhhhhh sweet pea, I just love you! Gives her a big hug and kiss
S - giggles a little bit (or she is just grunting hoping he will let go of her soon)
D - wanna play with Mater little miss? he giver he Mater then takes his lightening McQueen and drives it over her belly while making a REALLY loud car noise right in her face.
S - gets a big frowny face and starts to cry.

Okay, so he was sweet for a minute. But lately that is all I get, just little glimpses of the Drakey I know. I sure hope this little power struggle doesn't last too much longer!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

That is beyond adorable. Isn't that just the way with little ones? We shake our heads with frustration one minute then feel our hearts melting the next! :)