Sunday, January 12, 2014


 So I am finally getting around to posting about Christmas.  I don't have very many pictures.  I am turning into such a slacker!  My parents were able to come out this year for Christmas so that was amazing! It was so great to just spend time with them and have some family out for such a special holiday.  Drake had a Christmas program at his school that my mom was able to be here for.  The program was so cute!  Drake's teachers did such a great job.  I just got a few pictures of it though because I was more focused on recording it.

Sonja excited to watch Drake!

Drake was the inn keeper and then a shepherd so here he is in his shepherd costume.
 Christmas Morning!...

Santa brought a little tramp, some mats and a balance beam.  The kids were so excited!

My parents got Drake a air hockey table for Christmas.  He loves it!

The kids got some costumes for Christmas also so of course they had to wear them for the rest of the day.

Such a mess but such a fun Christmas!

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