Tuesday, December 21, 2010

"I be 2 on the birthday!"

I can't believe my sweet little boy is 2!
Well, we have had a lot of fun for his birthday.
We are in Utah so we got to celebrate his big day with all of our family! Drake definitely got spoiled for his birthday and we still have Christmas coming in a couple days.

Here are some things my little mister is up to right now:
He LOVES trucks!!! (I seriously think he is obsessed.)
His favorite cartoon is Super Why
He is so much fun to be around: loud, excited, happy!
He talks really well!
He knows and can recognize all the letters in the alphabet.
He can count to 10 and recognize all those numbers too.
He loves to sing!!!
He is a very sweet and affectionate little boy.
But at the same time he is also a rough and tumble boy.
He is a really good little boy, he just has a hard time sharing his trucks.
He is a weirdo and likes to put socks on his hands.
He also likes to wear his cousins (who is a girl) shoes.
He loves his Mr. Bear and monkey "Monk"

He also says the funniest things:
He will get really serious and grab my face and say "you go to time out?"
When Chris and him are playing, Chris sometimes pats his bum and he will turn around and say "no hit me!"
When Chris gets home Drake asks "how your day dad?", "you read books?"
He will also ask "how your sleep?, or "you ok?"

Chris's sister made this Super Why cake for Drake, she is AMAZING!


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Drake's Birthday Part One

Yes, there is going to be two parts to Drakes birthday. His birthday isn't till the 18th but since Drake and I are leaving for Utah this weekend we wanted to have a little party for him here in Wisconsin. We are so grateful for our friends that came to Drake's party. It really meant a lot to Chris and I. I have been a little lonely out here the last month or so, but we really do have some great friends out here. So thank you to everyone who came! Drake had so much fun! He wasn't really sure what was going on but he was so excited. He knew it was his birthday party but he didn't really know what that meant. He was just so happy to have all his friends come over and play!
Drake was a little unsure of the candles. He didn't really know what I was doing. And he was so confused when people started singing. He just kept looking around at everyone. Oh, and we just did a bunch of cookies for this party. He will have a birthday cake at the family birthday party.

The chaos of opening presents.

Drake loves trucks and so he was so happy when that is what he got. He lucked out and got a bunch of little firetrucks, a bulldozer, a garbage truck, truck shirts, balls and balloons! What a lucky little boy!

Our house isn't very big so it was a little crammed with everyone here, but so much fun!

Looking at this picture you can tell we had a ton of fun!

Thanks again everyone! And I know you all will be waiting on the edge of your seats for Drakes Birthday Part two, the family birthday party.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


It finally snowed here in Wisconsin! We had a amazing fall but now the winter has set in. I don't think it is supposed to get about the high 20s for the rest of the week. SO COLD! Anyways, while Chris was snow blowing the driveway, Drake decided he wanted to help. He found his little lawnmower in the garage and figured that would do the trick. Sorry I didn't get any face shots of Drake. He was so excited he didn't want to stop and look at the camera.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

You Are My Sunshine

We have been teaching Drake some Christmas songs lately to get in the Christmas spirit, but Drake decided that the first song he would sing all by himself would be his mom's favorite non-Christmas song. He calls it Sunshine.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Christmas is here!!!!!

We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Ours was a lot of fun. Our friends were nice enough to invite us over and it was so much fun. Drake especially had a lot of fun with his best friend Oliver! Now that Thanksgiving is over it truly is the Christmas season. Wohoo!!!!! I LOVE Christmas! We have had our tree up for a couple weeks already. We have already had Drake sit on Santa's lap. And Drake already knows a couple Christmas songs! Oh, and Chris is so proud because Drake loved the movie Elf! It is tradition for Chris and I to watch it while we put the tree up and Drake laughed and danced to the movie!Well, here are some pics of our us at Thanksgiving and getting in the Christmas spirit.

Us in our Thanksgiving sweaters.

Drake and Oliver

Decorating the tree

My cute boys!
Playing fireman (he WOULD NOT smile for me, little stinker!)
And the classic Santa picture.
He was so excited to see him, and then we had to ruin it by having him sit on ho ho's (that is what Drake calls him) lap.

We hope everyone has a great holiday season!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

pics, pics and more pics!

Chris and I are so excited! We decided that we were in need of a splurge! So, for Christmas/birthdays/and every other present giving holiday in the near future, we got a new CAMERA! It is so much fun. It is a Nikon D5000.

We love it, although, we don't really know how to use it yet. Anyways, we have had fun exploring the functions of the camera on Drake. Enjoy the pics - we are kind of going overboard lately.

Monday, November 8, 2010


Hi, my name is Jenna and I am addicted to.............books. No really, I love them! When I am reading a book I feel like it is real. I almost bring the characters into my life and pretty much feel what they feel, and experience what they experience. Lately I have been getting through 4-5 books a month, and sometimes I don't feel like that is enough. Anyways, some of the girls in my book club have started a book blog. Basically we just post reviews on books we have read to give each other some good book ideas. So check out our blog at http://thereadandfeed.blogspot.com/. Please feel free to let us in on some of your favorites too!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or Treat

I hope everyone had a fun Halloween! We sure did. I really got into it this year, which is really weird for me. Anyways, Drake had so much fun! He dressed up as his favorite toy truck - "Red". It is a little firetruck and Chris's mom made his dreams come true by making "big red". Drake definitely got a lot of use out of too. Chris's school had trick or treating on Monday, then we went to a friends house for a little costume party on Friday, zoo trick or treating on Saturday, real trick or treating on Sunday. We then had some friends come over for some post trick or treating chili. Yummy! Busy weekend, but we had so much fun. Enjoy the pics.

Look at my cool little stud muffin!
Being oh so cool as we walk into the MCW trick or treating.
Drake and his best bud Oliver. (not the best pic, I know - sorry)
getting some candy!
Chris and I dressed up as firefighters (again thanks to Lani) so that we could coordinate with Drakey.

I don't know if you can tell but Drake got so sweaty! His hair was so nappy by the time we were done trick or treating.
At the end they had some cupcakes, as you can see, Drake loved his.
Our zoo also had trick or treating and Drake was so happy, animals AND candy!
Our little family in the creepy bird house (and oh so stinky!)
Drake thought that by moving this rock he was fulfilling his fire fighting duties.

Drake and his friend Reese
Carcrash!Drake getting his "la la" on before our Halloween party.I attempted some alien cupcakes, they were fun to make, but oh so sweet!