Sunday, December 27, 2009


We have had a wonderful Christmas here in Utah. Drake has been so much fun this year, even though he still doesn't really understand what Christmas is all about. Here are some pics of our fun....

Drake playing with the toys Santa brought him.
My cute little stud muffin.
Me and my new niece Bayla
The best kisses in the world!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Drake's Party

Drake had his birthday party on Sunday. It wasn't on his actually birthday because Chris was flying in to Salt Lake on that day so we postponed Drake's party a couple days. Drake had so much fun - even though he didn't really know what was going on. Here are a bunch of pictures of the fun...

I'm so excited, I just can't hide it!!!!

Drake loves trucks, so Chris and I made him a dump truck cake. We were so proud of our masterpiece.

Drake had lots of help opening his presents!

Getting ready

What is this???

Yum, I get to play in this mess.

This is so good and so much fun!

Whew, I am full.
Thanks everyone for helping us celebrate our sweet boys first birthday!

Friday, December 18, 2009


My baby turns one today. I can't believe it. This year has been so much fun and has gone by way too fast. I can't beleive one year ago today I was meeting Drake for the first time. I was extremely exhausted but unbelievably in love. Today I am even more in love with Drake. The feelings and emotions that being a parent brings is amazing. They are overwhelming and fantastic. I am so lucky to have Drake. He has made my move to Wisconsin so fun and easy. He just makes me laugh every day. Drake is now walking (although he still prefers to crawl, since it is faster), and his personality is hilarious. He is such a good boy, always happy and smiling. He is also very sweet and will crawl up to me just to give me a hug. Chris and I have had such a blast watching Drake learn and grow and we can't wait to see what he does next. Happy Birthday Little Mister. We love you so much!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Snow Day

It finally snowed!!!!

Drake didn't really know what to think about the snow. But he still had fun for the whole 5 minutes that we were outside.

Oh, and did you notice his boots that are 3 sizes too big for him? At least when we got inside he was completely dry and warm!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Guess what we are Thankful for ??????

We just wanted to include you all in the joys that Drake brings Chris and I. It is so much fun to watch him play and laugh. We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We can't wait for Christmas!!!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Little Mister

Here are some random pictures of what my little mister has been up to lately ...


Cuddling with his monkey

Drake loves his crib. He sleeps really well in it but he will also just sit in there and babble and play. Sometimes when I come in to get him out, he doesn't want me to pick him up. He just wants to crawl around in there and play with his monkey. He is so funny.

He is such a weirdo.

We had some friends over for sushi recently and so Chris had to put his sushi headband on Drake. Drake was being a stinker and wasn't cooperating when I was taking his picture so this is the best I got.

Drake has also learned how to clap recently. He loves to clap for himself while he is eating or just randomly while he is playing. He is also becoming a really good stander. He will stand all by himself for quite a while, but then he will get bored and fall down so he can crawl. He cruises when he crawls and gets wherever he wants to go super quickly. He is so much fun and I am thoroughly enjoying watching him grow and learn. I just hope it doesn't go by too fast.

Friday, October 30, 2009

The Lion



Look at my cute lion.

We went trick or treating at Chris's school on Friday and Drake loved it. He was trying to hoard all of the candy and get as much as he could. How did he already know how to do that? He was being a little shy with the growl for some reason - but we got it out of him a couple times.

A little cat nap (or lion nap) before all the fun.
Trying to get as much candy as possible.

Us and our Drakey.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Vampire Weekend

Drake had his first big ouchie this week. He was crawling with a toy and somehow fell on it and cut his gums pretty bad. His mouth literally bled for 1 hour because he would keep irritating it by putting his binkie or other toys in his mouth. It was so gross to see his mouth fill up with blood. Poor guy!

So Drake has been walking along our entertainment center for awhile now. His new thing is to try to crawl into the little cubbie holes. He finally conquered his goal this week. Too bad he doesn't know what to do once he is in there. He tried to turn all the way around but got stuck - so I came to his rescue :).

This is Drake attempting to crawl in there but he was a little hesitant....

The next day, he went for it.

Another picture of "The Destroyer".


My little singer - hopefully he isn't tone deaf like I am.

Monday, October 19, 2009


So the other night I was getting ready for bed and I saw this ...

this obviously is not the actual picture of it, but it was identical to this. So Gross!!!!

On a better note. Drake turned 10 months yesterday!!! He is getting so big and so busy. He already is in a big boy car seat (but still facing backwards). Also, he is starting to get 3 more teeth so he hasn't been in the best mood. Other than that, not much has been going on with us. Chris just finished his block 2 two tests last week. He is glad to have that over with and he did really well!!! His next text week is only 3 weeks away so he already is going to have to buckle down and start studying again. It was nice to have a weekend off of studying though! Drake didn't want to let Chris out of his sight. Well, here are a few pics of Poopie...

He was just so tired

Drakey loving his new car seat.

This is a picture of our front yard. It is so beautiful! The only downfall is that there are train tracks right behind the trees, so it can be very loud!!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

More pics of Drake

I hope it isn't too boring to just see some pictures of Drake. This is about the best way to keep our families updated on what is going on with Drakey. Drake is the most exciting thing that is going on with us, otherwise it is just same old, same old. So enjoy some pics of my little mister!!!
I also entered Drake in the Great American photo contest so please vote for him at

This is Drake's " What? I wasn't trying to open the cabinets - especially the one with the garbage in it" face.

Drake now waves hello and goodbye!!! Here he is after his bath waving to the camera.

Here is Drake trying to get Chris to stay home and not go to school - or he is just trying to tell him to leave the computer for mom.

Drake got a big boy car seat this week and so I let him play with the box it came in. He loves it - he just constantly crawls in and out, in and out.

Drake tries to suck and eat everything. Here he is eating the strap from his high chair. He is such a weirdo.

Look how cute he is.....

too bad he doesn't like to keep his hat on.