My sister in-law tagged me with this
questionnaire thing so here i go:
4 random things about my husband-
1) Chris loves to bake bread! It is his new favorite hobby and can't wait to make different kinds of bread for everyone he knows.
2) He loves rock climbing (as though you guys didn't know). He was so bummed this season because we got all kinds of new equipment and never got to use it because he was either too busy or the weather wouldn't cooperate.
3) Chris loves music. Whenever he is home he has the music on. When we were dating in high school he would talk about how he would love to be a DJ. He thought he would be the best DJ ever.
4) Chris is a total nerd. Although there are times that he gets burned out of school, most of the time he loves it! He soaks up as much new information as possible and loves to learn about anything and everything.
4 movies i could watch more than once-I could pretty much watch any movie more than once but i will put 4 down just because:
1)Practical Magic
3)The Notebook
4)How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days and/or 27 Dresses
4 TV shows I watch-1)The Office
2)One Tree Hill
3)Private Practice
4)Greys Anatomy
4 places i have been-1)Hawaii
4 people who email me regularly-1)
Teisa2)my mom
4)Chris (although not really regularly)
4 favorite foods-1)
- these are usually my favorite foods, but you can't really trust those answers right now because i have turned into a super picky eater in the last couple of weeks due to the baby.
4 places i would like to visit-1)Greece
Australia 4 things i am looking forward to this year-1)having my baby
3)my baby showers
4)finding out if Chris gets any interviews anywhere.
4 people that are now it-1)