Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Drake's first Christmas

Christmas was very exciting for Chris and I this year since we had a new addition to our family. Drake was exactly one week old on Christmas, so even though Chris and I were excited to share our day with him, he had no idea what was going on. We had a lot of fun with our families and each other this year. Chris got some more rock climbing stuff and some things for fly fishing. He is set for his hobbies now, he just has to wait until it gets warm again. While he is waiting though he will be able to go snowboarding because he got some day passes to the Canyons. I had a good Christmas also. I received lots of books and clothes and also a yoga mat and video so I can work on getting into shape now that Drake is out. I hope everyone had as good of a Christmas as we did. Happy New Year!

Drake and I on Christmas Eve.

Drake trying to wake up on Christmas. Can't you see how excited he is?

Chris and Drake with all of Drake's presents from Santa.

We couldn't resist putting Drake in his stocking. Isn't he so cute?
This is Drake after his bath on Christmas. I just thought that it is really cute so I wanted to post it.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Drake is finally here!

Can you believe it? Drake finally decided to be born after growing in my tummy for 40 weeks and 2 days. It was quite a long process, but definitely all worth it. I went into labor Wednesday (12-17-08) at four in the morning. I had a feeling that it would be somewhat of a long labor so we waited around at our house until my water broke at one in the afternoon. Chris and I went into the hospital, got admitted and a couple hours later I was put on pittosin because I wasn't progressing very fast. Fast forward to four in the morning on Thursday (12/18/2008) when I was finally able to push. After an hour of pushing and Drake's heart rate dropping after every contraction the doctors decided to do a C-section. Once they pulled Drake out they knew they made the right decision because of how big he was. Drake Arthur Anderson was born on Thursday December 18th, 2008 at 5:30 am. Exactly one week before Christmas. He weighed 8 pounds and 3 ounces and is 20 inches long.
Me at 40 weeks. I can't believe that Drake fit in there.
Chris and I leaving for the hospital to meet Drake.

Chris is all ready to watch the C-section. Isn't he a stud in his jump suit. I don't know what I would have done without him in the operating room with me.

Drake is a perfect baby! He looks alot like Chris! He is also pretty calm for the most part. He of course wants to keep me up during the night but hopefully we will change that soon. Chris and I are totally amazed by him and the amazing feeling of being parents. We will never forget this last week but are excited to be home and somewhat back to reality. Thanks to everyone who came and kept us company in the hospital. Please feel free to stop by to visit us any time!

We have some more good news to share! Chris got accepted to the Medical School of Wisconsin! We found out the day after Drake was born. It was definitely a good week last week. I am so proud of Chris, he has worked so hard and for so long! We still are hoping to go to school at the U but at least we have a back up now. Chris can also be a little more picky with the interviews he goes to. He doesn't have to go to every interview that is offered to him anymore and that will save us a lot of money! So if all else fails, it looks like we will be off to Milwaukee, Wisconsin next fall.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Just A Little Update

So it looks like I most likely will be going full term with this baby. My due date is December 16th and there are no signs that I will be coming early. My doctor even said there is a chance that I will be going a week over - which puts us into Christmas. That would not be fun. Obviously there is a chance that I will go early but not very likely. Which is fine as long as Drake is healthy.

There isn't really much else to update other than Chris and I moved into my parents basement this past weekend. We loved our place but it was way too small for a baby. My parents basement is bigger than our old house. Anyways, it will be good to be living at home so I can have lots of help with Drake!

Chris has gotten a lot of invitations to go interview for medical school so we are super excited about that. So far he has interviewed at the U and at Easter Virginia. Next week he is going to Virginia Commonwealth and Milwaukee (I am not super excited about these since I will be 39 weeks pregnant and he will be gone, but we have to do what we have to do). He also has an interview in Ohio scheduled for the beginning of January. All these interviews sound promising and hopefully we will get in somewhere!

Well, hopefully my next update will be about having Drake - maybe. Thanks for letting me ramble on.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Baby Shower Time!

Yea! My baby showers are finally here! I have been so excited for them to come, not just for the presents, but because this means that Drake will be coming soon! I can't wait to hold and play with Drake, and I know Chris feels the same way. Here are some pictures from the shower that my sister and mom threw for me. I also had a shower that my in-laws held but I don't have any pictures yet. As soon as I get them I will post them also. Thank you to everyone who came and who gave us all of the great stuff! We are so excited to use all of the awesome presents that we got. Thanks again to everyone!

Everyone was given a white onsie and some markers and they had to decorate a onsie for Drake! It was a lot of fun, even though not everyone was super excited about it.

My Great Grandma and I! She lives in St. George with my aunt, so it was a long trip they had to take to come to my shower. Thanks guys!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


My sister in-law tagged me with this questionnaire thing so here i go:

4 random things about my husband-
1) Chris loves to bake bread! It is his new favorite hobby and can't wait to make different kinds of bread for everyone he knows.
2) He loves rock climbing (as though you guys didn't know). He was so bummed this season because we got all kinds of new equipment and never got to use it because he was either too busy or the weather wouldn't cooperate.
3) Chris loves music. Whenever he is home he has the music on. When we were dating in high school he would talk about how he would love to be a DJ. He thought he would be the best DJ ever.
4) Chris is a total nerd. Although there are times that he gets burned out of school, most of the time he loves it! He soaks up as much new information as possible and loves to learn about anything and everything.

4 movies i could watch more than once-
I could pretty much watch any movie more than once but i will put 4 down just because:
1)Practical Magic
3)The Notebook
4)How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days and/or 27 Dresses

4 TV shows I watch-
1)The Office
2)One Tree Hill
3)Private Practice
4)Greys Anatomy

4 places i have been-

4 people who email me regularly-
2)my mom
4)Chris (although not really regularly)

4 favorite foods-
- these are usually my favorite foods, but you can't really trust those answers right now because i have turned into a super picky eater in the last couple of weeks due to the baby.

4 places i would like to visit-

4 things i am looking forward to this year-
1)having my baby
3)my baby showers
4)finding out if Chris gets any interviews anywhere.

4 people that are now it-

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I know, I am a loser!

I know I haven't posted anything in a very long time! There hasn't been anything new or exciting to talk about, but I will try to update the blog more often. We did register for baby stuff this past weekend! That was fun and exciting. It was hard to register for a lot of stuff because our house is so small. We won't be able to fit a lot of stuff in our house, but it was fun to dream about what our nursery would look like. On another exciting note, Chris is done with his secondary applications for medical school! Yea! Now we just wait until we hear if he gets any interviews. Well, I will try to post some pictures soon and hopefully something exciting will happen in the next little while.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Happy Birthday Chris!

Happy Birthday to Chris. He turned 24 yesterday. He shares his birthday with his good friend Mike (Happy Birthday Mike) and his nephew turned one on September 4th (Happy Birthday Makai!). For Chris's birthday he got a lot of rock climbing gear. If you haven't been able to tell, he loves to rock climb! He now has his own rope, harness, shoes, helmet (Yea!), and different types of gear. I have my own shoes and harness also but obviously I haven't been able to use them yet. He also got a book about different climbs in the Wasatch Front from his sister and brother and he stayed up till midnight reading it. He was extremely excited. We are so lucky that Lance (my brother-in-law) is nice enough to take us up and teach us all there is to know about rock climbing.

I had to post this picture because I thing it is so cute. Chris's mom is nice enough to go to the farmers market every week to get corn for us (well, mainly for Chris). While Chris was eating his corn raw (weird, I know) he was nice enough to share with our neice Emie.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hanging with friends

So this last weekend was a lot of fun for Chris and I. We usually don't do much during the weekend because Chris is super busy with his research and i am such a home body. But this weekend we forced Lance (my brother in law) to take a break from working on our house and take us rock climbing. Well actually i can't rock climb due to the baby in the belly, but it was a lot of fun watching Teisa, Lance and Chris climb! Chris loves to rock climb and hasn't stopped talking about it since. He is already trying to talk Lance into taking us up again this weekend so I might have more pictures to post later.

This last weekend we also went up to the mountains to have dinner with Chris's friends and thier girlfriends and fiance's. It was a lot of fun! We all haven't been able to get together for a long time so it was good to see everyone. Chris was very excited also because he doesn't get to see his friends as much as would want. He is working so hard with school, work and his research so that takes up most of his time. Hopefully all that hard work will pay off soon.

Monday, August 11, 2008

A little about us.

I realized that I posted a couple pictures but didn't really talk about what we have been up to, so here it goes. Chris and I have been married for a little over two years but it seems like a lot longer (we dated for an eternity). Chris is finishing up his Chemistry degree at the U and is currently applying to medical school, which is exhausting. I graduated from the U with a degree in Human Development and I am working as a gymnastics and motor skill development teacher and I love it. If you couldn't tell we are expecting a boy in December and are extremely excited. It is getting more and more real every day! This summer has been a lot of fun. Chris and I have actually had a little time to spend with each other since he didn't take any summer class's. We went on a cruise in May with my family and then went to San Diego with Chris's sister Heather and her family. These are a couple pictures of us playing with Heather's kids Beck and Nash.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Cruise 2008

.My parents took the family on a cruise for our Christmas present. We visited the Southern Carribbean and had a blast. We can't wait for the next trip maybe Teisa and Lance's daughter Emie and the new baby can come.
Hand stand contest.... guess who won.
Chis diligently working on his masterpiece

Lance and Chris won 1st and 2nd in the rock climbing contest.
stud muffin
All dressed up.