Monday, August 5, 2013

Lucy Teisa Anderson

Since Lucy is 2 weeks old today I thought I should probably do a post on her birth.  Lucy was born on July 22nd 2013 at 12:11 P.M.  We had to have a c-section since I have had 2 previous ones so I got to schedule it for a week before my due date.  Both my other kids were born 2 days after their due date so it was so nice that I didn't have to deal with that last week of pregnancy.  Lucy was my smallest baby weighing in at 7 lbs 7 oz.  She came out screaming and I thought I was in for a fussy baby but after that first day she has calmed down a lot.  She is a really good baby actually (I forgot how much they sleep!).  She doesn't have to be held all the time (which is good because I can't really hold her all the time with my other two busy kids), she sleeps well and eats pretty well.  Like both of my other kids, she hasn't gained weight as fast as the doctor would like so we have had to go to a couple weight checks.  But she is fine, she just won't get chunky till she is 1 like my other kids.  Drake and Sonja love her (for the most part) and we are just trying to adjust to being a family of 5. 

The night before I had Lucy!

She is so sweet!

Chris's parents came out here to help out while I was in the hospital and when I came home.  It was so nice to have them here. The kids had a blast and I don't know what I would have done without them.  Now my mom gets here this weekend and I can't wait!

Drake and Sonja first meeting Lucy.

See, I told you she came out screaming.  She just wanted to stay in there I guess...

Lucy, I already can't remember my life or our little family without you in it.  We love you so much!  We are so grateful to be blessed with these amazing (and crazy!) three kids.  We thank God every day for them.