About two months ago Chris found a groupon for a adventure type race. We looked into it and decided, why not? To be honest, I was pretty nervous. I have been saying for a while now that I wanted to get into racing. But I have always had a excuse, I was trying to get pregnant, I was pregnant, don't have someone to watch my kids, etc. So finally I decided that I needed to just sign up for some races and then I didn't have a choice. And since we could get a deal on this one (we love groupon!) we just couldn't pass it up. And we had so much fun! The course was 6.5 miles with 35 obstacles. We were hoping for warm weather since we have been having a really nice spring lately, but of course that didn't happen. It was 38 degrees! And about 5 minutes into the course you go down a tarp into a pond, so pretty much you are wet for the entire race. We were so cold! I don't think I have ever been that cold. So although we had a ton of fun, it probably would have been a little more fun if it had been even 10 degrees warmer. Anyways, the obstacles ranged from climbing over walls or hurdles, rope courses, going through ponds and rivers, and of course a ton of mud. In one mud pit I unfortunately found the deep spot and was stuck in much up to my chest. Good thing Chris was there to pull me out! Here are some pics, please be kind because I definitely am not looking my best.
We had so much fun! I am so glad I got to do my first race with Chris. He stuck with me the whole time so that he could help me with some of the obstacles. Now I need to start gearing up for our triathlon we are doing in May.