Two months.....WOW!!! Where has the time gone? Drake is now 9 weeks, and he had his two month checkup this week. He has gained over 2 pounds and grown 3 inches since he was born; he is now 10lbs 6oz and 23 inches. Smiling for Drake is easy, smiling is his favorite. He is talking up a storm, in his own language of course, especially while he eats. Drake is good to us at night, sometimes he will only wake to feed once, although it is more commonly 2-3
Love him and I'm mad I didn't hold him yesterday! PS remember you forgot your quack quack's swimming blanket at my house!
What a sweetie! I think he's going to look like his daddy.
What a stinkin' cute kid. I could squish him all day.
Holy Cow I can't believe it has been that long already since i saw in Decemeber. Can't wait to see him again.
Wow, I can't believe its already been two months! He is so adorable.
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