So my sister and brother-in-law went to Hawaii for a week (unfair, I know) and so I watched their 2 year old. Chris and I stayed at their house with Drake and Emie and I got a crash coarse in parenting a toddler and infant. I had a lot of fun! I was nice to actually be able to play and talk to Emie and have her talk and play back. Emie was also a lot of help with Drake. She would hand me the diapers,wipes, burp clothes and blankets, so that was nice! I am lucky to have other nephews that are around Emie's age to have play dates with. I think Emie had a lot of fun with Drake and I, but I know she missed her mom and dad alot! Here are some pictures from my crazy week.
Emie playung with Beck and Nash.
Emie at the aquarium with my nephew Makai.
Emie and Drake hanging out.
Thanks Emie for making this week so fun for Drake and I! I am going to miss you, and all of mine and Chris's family when we move this summer.
Wow. What sounded like it could have been a stressful and hectic week with two kids to look after, instead of one... sounded like it ended being a pleasant experience. You must have the skills. ;)
Very impressive! See, you're ready anytime to get pregnant with baby #2! You should come over and teach me all the tricks. I have lots of crazy days with my baby and toddler! :)
I think she did miss us but about an hour after we got home she said to us "how do I get Jenna Bug back?" haha Thanks again for watching her, I new I could trust you with my most perecious thing in the world! If you need a babysitter for Drake you know who to call.
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