Friday, March 27, 2009

Enjoying the nice weather

Finally, we had some good weather last week and was able to get outside. Drake and I went to the park, to Red Butte Gardens and for some walks! It was really good to get outside instead of being couped up in the house. The best part was that we went rock climbing! I haven't been since i got pregnant so it has been a while. Right before I became pregnant with Drake, Chris had bought me a harness and shoes, so this was the first time I was able to use them. Thankfully Lance, Teisa and Emie came with Chris, Drake and I to help us out! It was a lot of fun!
Hiking up the mountain.
Drake and Emie just hanging out.
Chris rock climbing.
my turn!


Unknown said...

Wow! You're so high in that picture! (you dare-devil ;) That's awesome that you guys had fun that week.

Nicole said...

That is pretty impressive. I'm sure I wouldn't be able to do that! Drake looks so cute in his carseat, what a handsome guy.