Friday, June 3, 2011

2 down, 2 more to go!

I can't believe that we only have two more years of medical school left!
(yes, I said we, because even though Chris is the one who is actually in medical school,
I feel like I am right there with him.)
Chris finished his second year a couple weeks ago
and is taking is Step 1 Boards right this second.
He is so amazing!
He has done really well in all of his classes and I know he will do well on this test too!
He has worked so hard these past two years and I think he is ready to get out of the classroom and into the hospital.
He starts his rotations in a couple weeks.
So after today, Drake and I get to spend some good old quality time with him!
We can't wait!
Here are some pics of Chris being such a good dad!
Him and Drake are best buddies!

Good Job Chris!
We are so proud of you.
And we have loved going on this adventure with you!

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