So I stumbled across a blog that talked about making your blog carbon neutral. Apparently visiting websites releases carbon dioxide into the air (about 0.02g per visit). Harvard University physicist
Alexander Wissner-Gross, PhD conducted research on this and came to the conclusion that assuming an average blog gets 15,000 visits a month, it has yearly carbon dioxide emissions of 8lb. So a company in Germany, "Make it green" has set up a program called "My blog is carbon neutral". They will plant a tree for you if you write a short post on their program. (The link to their website is
So if you are interested in having your blog go green, there are just a few steps you have to take:
- Write a blog post about the initiative + insert your favorite button
- E-mail the link to your post to
- They'll plant a tree for your blog in Plumas’!
I copy and pasted to my blog.... sorry... and thanks.
I just want to know....who gets 15,000 hits a month?
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